Reiki Shinpiden Level III Training
A path to experiencing and expressing your Great Bright Light and fulfilling your true purpose as a Reiki practitioner.
facilitated by Lou Orsan, Reiki Shihan (Teacher)
A 2-Part, 2-Day In-Person Training meeting on: Part 1: Saturday, March 11th, 2023 Part 2: Saturday, March 25th, 2023 9:00 am to 6:00 pm each day Location: Framingham, MA Tuition: $450 (Payment plan available)
By the time you arrive for Reiki Shinpiden Level III Training, you have learned and practiced the basics of the System of Reiki as a Shoden Level I Practitioner and have benefited from the deeper self-healing practices and Ki cultivation techniques taught in Okuden Level II. Reiki Sinpiden Level III now offers you ways to have a more direct experience of your True Self through letting go of judgments, labeling, attachments, anger and worry and other distractions that hold us back from truly being free and happy.
In Japanese, Shinpiden means “mystery teachings”. Mikao Usui developed this level to guide his students in discovering the mysteries of life and the universe. The training supports continued purification of your mind and body so you can live your daily life from Ashin Resumei — a state of experiencing inner peace regardless of what’s happening in the outside world around you (Ashin) as you fulfill the destiny you were sent here at this time and place to fulfill as a Reiki practitioner (Resumei).
Reiki Level III is known as “Master” level in Western Reiki teachings and “Shinpiden” level in traditional Japanese Reiki teachings. The Shinpiden program offered by Northeast Reiki Center is based on my understanding of how Makao Usui developed Reiki and taught it to his students. The Level III program is for practitioners ready to adopt a life-style that immerses them in universal life energy for living life enthusiastically and abundantly. As a participant, you learn advanced ways of applying the System of Reiki for mind-body healing and spiritual self-realization. It’s powerful inner work for moving out of a limiting view of who we are towards experiencing an expanded dimension of human consciousness — that we are truly Spiritual Beings of Light.
The Shinpiden program offers many exercises to deepen your connection to Reiki at every level and provides you with opportunities for significant personal growth and spiritual self-discovery. The training is for those who want the benefits of learning the Level III concepts and techniques and receiving the Level III attunement, but don’t necessarily want to teach group Reiki classes to others.
In an uplifting group setting you learn how to:
- have the direct experience of walking the path as a Reiki Shinpiden Practitioner expressing your Great Bright Light out into the world.
- use the Shinpiden symbol and mantra to help unlock a doorway to your True Self.
- discover ways of connecting in Oneness with your recipient that enhance the effectiveness of your Reiki treatments for others.
- tap into and trust your intuitive higher self for guidance and insights.
- explore ways to apply three basic keys to enlightenment to your life and relationships.
- learn and become proficient in administering the Reiki Level I Attunement to individuals who have chronic or life-threatening illness so they can give themselves daily Reiki healing treatments (or to one of their family members so they can provide regular Reiki healing treatments for their loved one).
- learn important keys to creating and facilitating your own Reiki Share or Reiki Circle.
- contemplate ways of how to bring Reiki out into the world in your own, unique way as a way as a Shinpiden practitioner ro raise the energetic vibration of our planet.
During this 2-day Saturday training, you will receive the Level III attunement (Reiju), an illustrated Shinpiden Level III manual, your Reiki Shinpiden Level III Practitioner Certificate, plus ongoing instructor support and continuing education opportunities for practice after the class. We meet to learn, share experiences, engage in life-enhancing exercises and enjoy lots of in-class practice.
To register or for more information please call 508-808-5696 or email Lou at: